Choose you Diet Plan
- Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
- Ketogenic Diet (KETO)
- Low-Carbohydrate Diet
- High-Protein Diet
- Rapid Burn Plan
- Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
- Ketogenic Diet (KETO)
- Low-Carbohydrate Diet
- High-Protein Diet
- Rapid Burn Plan
This safe, fast weight loss method has been prescribed by doctors in France for more than 25 years. It has helped thousands of people lose weight effectively and, more importantly, keep the weight off, thanks to its focus on protein. The Protifast high-protein diet is now available from pharmacies and comes with personalised diet support. Weight loss on the diet comes from consuming pure protein with a high biological value in the form of low-calorie powders. This easily-digestible protein should form part of a low-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. A list of allowed vegetables and a recommended intake of vitamins and minerals are also key to ensuring the diet’s success. As exercise is essential to maintaining your ideal weight, a simple fitness programme to suit your weight-loss diet is also offered by your in-pharmacy advisor.
The ketogenic diet is split into three clearly-defined phases. The duration of each phase depends on your optimum weight and on the pounds you need to lose to reach that weight. There are different brackets for weight loss, as this will vary according to each person’s basal metabolic rate. Firstly, you’ll need to calculate your body mass index (BMI) to work out your body fat percentage (BFP). This is done by simply dividing your weight by your height squared, and is essential to determining whether you are underweight, overweight or obese.
A BMI of 25 to 30 is defined by the WHO as being above a normal weight. A BMI of above 30 is considered obese, which can range from moderate to morbid obesity. Most nutritionists advise following the active phase of a high-protein diet for at least half of the weight you need to lose. Interestingly enough, lots of dieters choose to continue phase 1 for as long as possible because of the wealth of benefits it offers, such as a loss of hunger, fast weight loss that targets fat tissue, a natural feel-good effect and increased motivation thanks to the results achieved.
For weight loss of more than 15 kg:
Demandez conseil à votre médecin ou à un nutritionniste pour un suivi médical avec une diète protéique
Ask your doctor or a nutritionist for advice and medical support for a high-protein diet The active phase or phase 1 of the high-protein diet must not be followed by pregnant or breastfeeding women, by children or teenagers, or by individuals with liver failure, heart failure or acute kidney failure.
Phase 1 must also be accompanied by food supplements, which are essential to ensuring the diet’s success:
Multivitamins (2 a day), Erjean Sodium Chloride 500mg (2 to 4 tablets a day). Postural hypotension is often linked to a lack of salt. Lots of women eliminate salt from their diet to avoid water retention, however the body requires 3g per day for normal blood pressure.
Potassium (non-medical doses available over the counter)
Calcium and magnesium.
High-protein powders : These powders are straightforward and easy to use. The protein-rich, low-calorie diet powders are designed to be made up with water. All the powders have the same amount of protein, with 18g of pure protein that can be fully absorbed by the body. Protifast powders contain all essential amino acids. The number of powders you can have per day is calculated based on around 1g of protein per kilo of optimum weight and per 24 hours. It’s important that you take your diet powders every day in order to maintain muscle mass, even if the naturally filling effect of protein means you aren’t feeling hungry!
Protifast Crousti’choco, Crousti’vanille and Crousti’fruits protein bars can also be eaten in phase 1, as they contain very few carbohydrates and no added sugar.
You can have 4 to 5 high-protein powders a day if you are a woman, and 5 to 6 if you are a man.
1 protein powder in the morning + tea or coffee (no sugar)
1 protein powder at lunchtime + unlimited amounts of allowed vegetables (2 powders for men)
1 protein powder as an afternoon snack.
1 protein powder in the evening + unlimited amounts of allowed vegetables (2 powders for men)
Vitamin and mineral supplements.
Vegetables allowed in unlimited amounts:
CRaw or cooked, without oil or fat.
Asparagus, aubergine, broccoli, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chard, Chinese cabbage, courgettes, cucumber, endive, fennel, fresh beansprouts, gherkins, green cabbage, green pepper, lettuce (Batavia lettuce, butterhead lettuce, curly endive, escarole, lamb’s lettuce, watercress), mushrooms, purslane, radish, sorrel, spinach.
Vegetables allowed in very limited amounts:
50 to 200g (equivalent of 1 bowl) a day.
Artichoke (leaves), Brussels sprouts, cardoon, dandelion leaves, extra-fine green beans, leek, patty pan, red cabbage, red pepper, salsify, soya beansprouts, tomato (one a day), turnip.
Allowed drinks:
Tea, coffee, herbal teas with sweeteners but no sugar.
Diet Coke or Coke Zero
Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day. Sparkling water is particularly beneficial for its mineral content. Drink magnesium-rich Hépar water if constipated.
Allowed seasonings:
Salt, pepper, fines herbes (mixed herbs), mustard, garden herbs and spices, lemon juice. A spoonful of olive oil is also beneficial for its essential fatty acids. Olive oil is particularly recommended for cooking the powdered crêpes and omelettes.
You can have 3 protein powders per day if you are a woman, and 4 if you are a man:
1 high-protein powder at breakfast + tea or coffee (no sugar)
1 meal composed of the allowed food items (natural protein and allowed vegetables)
1 high-protein powder or Crousti bar as an afternoon snack
1 high-protein powder at dinner + allowed vegetables (2 powders for men)
Vitamin and mineral supplements.
You can either eat the meal with natural protein at lunchtime or in the evening for dinner.
Raw or cooked, without oil or fat.
Asparagus, aubergine, broccoli, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chard, Chinese cabbage, courgettes, cucumber, endive, fennel, fresh beansprouts, gherkins, green cabbage, green pepper, lettuce (Batavia lettuce, butterhead lettuce, curly endive, escarole, lamb’s lettuce, watercress), mushrooms, purslane, radish, sorrel, spinach.
Vegetables allowed in more limited amounts:
100 to 250g (equivalent of 1 bowl) a day.
Artichoke (leaves), Brussels sprouts, cardoon, dandelion leaves, extra-fine green beans, leek, patty pan, red cabbage, red pepper, salsify, soya beansprouts, tomato (one a day), turnip.
Choice of 100g for women and 150g for men:
-Lean meat: veal or beef.
-Poultry: turkey or chicken, but without the skin (avoid goose and duck)
-Fresh or smoked white fish.
-Slice of lean ham.
- Egg white as part of a vegetable salad.
-Seafood: shellfish (lobster, crab, shrimp)
-0% fromage blanc (similar to quark or Greek yoghurt) or tofu
Tea, coffee, herbal teas with sweeteners but no sugar.
Diet Coke or Coke Zero
Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day. Sparkling water is particularly beneficial for its mineral content. Drink magnesium-rich Hépar water if constipated.
Salt, pepper, fines herbes (mixed herbs), mustard, garden herbs and spices, lemon juice. A spoonful of olive oil is also beneficial for its essential fatty acids. Olive oil is particularly recommended for cooking the powdered crêpes and omelettes.